Cooking breakfast used to be so simple. Back when my man went to work at 6:00 in the morning, I could put a full plate on the table with my eyes closed. I would retrieve what I needed from the refrigerator, plop eggs into a skillet, toast the bread, and punch the coffee button. Since I’m a creature of habit, I did it all without kicking my brain into gear. (I drive like that sometimes too, but that’s a story for another day.)
Things aren’t the same anymore now that our kitchen remodel is finally finished. There are new drawers, new doors, and even a new floor. Everything has been made new. After 26 years of sameness, nothing rests in a familiar space. Even reaching for a spoon causes me to pause and wonder where on earth I put that thing. What used to happen automatically, now takes a bit of forethought. Closing my eyes while making breakfast these days could dangerously light up my life in a brand-new way.
Like many of you, my heart’s desire has always been to follow God’s word. However, a newly remodeled heart can cause us to reach for some fresh ingredients – ones we might have once believed were out of reach. In our hunger for self-worth, it’s easy to grab onto performance when that’s what we’re used to doing. However, when we reach for grace instead, our deepest hunger gets fully satisfied. Knowledge likes to perch itself front and center on the shelf of our hearts, but True Love insists on becoming our go-to ingredient. Then, perhaps like me, you still catch yourself reaching for the pride shaker much too often. I’ve learned from my prideful over-sprinkling that life just tastes better with a little more humility.
Thankfully, the Spirit knows His way around the kitchen of our hearts. He’s seen what lies in every nook and cranny. He’s not shy when it comes to exposing our tenderness by peeling away our tough exteriors. He’s not hesitant in boiling away our impurities. He wants our songs of praise to rise to new heights. He will even open a can or two of worms just to help us distinguish between the good and the bad. Slowly, but surely, as our hearts adjust to being made new, we learn to automatically reach for the good stuff.
Rest assured that while the Spirit sifts and stirs inside us, we sit squarely in God’s kitchen. The Master Chef knows just the right ingredients to spice up our lives. His measurements are calculated and precise. With Jesus close by God’s side, they collaborate to turn our lives into a most magnificent meal. So, don’t lose heart. Trust God’s abilities in the kitchen. He knows where everything is, He knows how to make good use of it, and He loves you better than anyone else can.
Today’s post is slightly shorter than usual, so take a few minutes to enjoy this spoonful of encouragement from Cory Asbury. Bon Appetite!
“My God will meet your every need out of his riches in the glory that is found in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 4:19)