Express Yourself!

The group of ten smelly men shared nothing in common except their disease. Leprosy wrapped a tight noose around them all and squeezed hard. They were a band of brothers now, whether they liked it or not. 

The oldest of the group shook his grungy fist at the thought of adding a Samaritan to their exclusive club. Israelites had looked down their noses at Samaritans for centuries. But now, most of them barely had noses to look down. One of the younger lepers reminded the grumpy old guy they had all been declared unclean. So, what did it matter if they rubbed bony elbows with this new Samaritan leper?

Smoke from their small, crackling fire drifted to and fro over the border between Galilee and Samaria. Sleep didn’t come easy, so they passed the time with stories of how their lives used to be. They missed their families and friends, meals around the table, and sleeping with the one they loved. They even missed their work. Their lives no longer had a purpose. They merely existed. 

The Samaritan newcomer sat quietly and listened for a while. Opportunities to hear the hearts of Israelite men had never come his way, and he was fascinated. Soon, the conversation died as the men looked longingly into the fading flickering flames. That’s when the Samaritan spoke up, “A lady in my village told me about a man she met while drawing water from our well. She said he told her everything she had ever done. She said he was the Messiah. I’ve seen that man perform extraordinary miracles, and I believe his power really does come from God.â€

The old guy grunted and mumbled, “Messiah. Power from God. Humph! What would a Samaritan know? A woman no less!â€

The next morning, villagers seeking to trade their goods traveled back and forth on the dusty road. The brotherhood of ten stood at a distance, people-watching. Their only amusement was fabricating fanciful tales about the people passing by. For the most part, they were ignored. If anyone wandered too close, the Law required them to shout, “Unclean! Unclean!â€

In no time, the Samaritan joined the story weaving. As he surveyed those passing by, his heart skipped a beat – no, two. He blinked his eyes, thinking they were playing tricks on him. Surely, this couldn’t be the man he had seen perform miracles. It frustrated him that he couldn’t get closer to get a better look. Just then, the man turned toward him. It was him! It was Jesus!

With all the excitement of a small child, the Samaritan gathered together his filthy friends, instructing them to shout out in unison, “Jesus, Master, have mercy on us.†Something even stirred within the old guy, causing them all to cry out loudly to Jesus. 

Jesus heard their cry, turned His face toward them, and said, “‘Go and show yourselves to the priests.’ 

They went, and while still on their way, became clean. One of them, when he realized that he was healed, turned around and came back, shouting his gratitude, glorifying God. He kneeled at Jesus’ feet, so grateful. He couldn’t thank him enough—and he was a Samaritan.

Jesus said, “Were not ten healed? Where are the nine? Can none be found to come back and give glory to God except this outsider?†Then he said to him, “Get up. On your way. Your faith has healed and saved you.†(Luke 17:14-19 ESV)

This past Sunday, I enjoyed worshipping with the Brooklyn Tabernacle Church in Brooklyn, NY. Pastor Jim Cymbala, author of Fresh Wind, Fresh Fire, used this story from Luke 17 in his opening remarks. I’ve always loved that story. Yet, I’ve never considered the slight yet profound difference between GRATITUDE and THANKFULNESS. I suppose I’ve always considered them to be synonymous. 

In this story, surely all the lepers felt gratitude for their healing. Yet, only one of them expressed it at the feet of Jesus. It’s one thing to feel something in your heart; it’s quite another to express it. Pastor Cymbala pointed out that gratitude is what we feel, while thankfulness is what we give. Gratitude in and of itself doesn’t proclaim the wonder of God’s blessings. However, giving thanks and praising God out loud allows others to hear about His power. 

As we focus on giving thanks this week, let’s not be like the old guy in my little story and dismiss God’s power. Let’s turn our attention away from our struggles and focus on all the many things that fill our hearts with gratitude. Then, let us thank God for all we’ve been given. Go ahead! Express yourself!

“Let the message of Christ dwell among you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom through psalms, hymns, and songs from the Spirit, singing to God with gratitude in your hearts.â€Â  (Colossians 3:16 NIV)

“Let them give thanks to the Lord for his unfailing love and his wonderful deeds for mankind.†(Psalm 107:21 NIV)


A blurry picture of the words express yourself
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A blurry picture of the words express yourself

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