What Will You Give God for Christmas?

In my mind, it was Coke that started it all. Their “Have a Coke and a Smile” song of the late ’70s and early ’80s accompanied a string of commercials that could jerk a tear or two from us sentimental types. Every time they transported me to that football stadium tunnel, my eyes glistened as I watched the little brown-haired boy timidly offer his Coke to the discouraged and limping Mean Joe Green, “I just want you to know. I think … I think you’re the best ever. Want my Coke? It’s OK. You can have it. Really, you can have it.” The massive football player humbly drained the small boy’s offering, then tossed his jersey to him with the iconic words, “Hey, Kid. Catch!” To which the boy replied, “Wow! Thanks, Mean Joe!” I watched it just now, and, you guessed it, my eyes glistened – again. (I know, I’m an easy target.)

Coke’s immensely successful ad campaign enticed other companies to create ads that tug on our heartstrings. So far this Christmas season, Macy’s has won my vote for Commercial of the Year. Perhaps you’ve seen it. It opens with some jazzy saxophone music, which always catches my attention. A dad and his son are wandering through Macy’s on a mission. Soon, we realize the boy is actually on the mission. His dad accompanies him while his mom waits anxiously for them in another part of the store. The boy scurries from department to department, searching for the perfect gift. He sprays a squirt of cologne. Nope. He tries out a skillet. Nope. He even does a quick snow angel on a mattress just for fun but moves on.

As he nears the toy department, he shields his eyes to avoid distraction. Then suddenly, his eyes widen. He’s found the perfect gift. Immediately, they race to find Mom. Unbeknownst to us, she’s been holding the boy’s place in the line to see Santa. Relief floods her face when they arrive. She leans into the boy’s ear and whispers, “It’s your turn.” Santa motions for him to come closer. And then … rather than presenting Santa with a lengthy wish list, he holds out a pair of comfy house shoes as a gift to Santa – the gift giver. “This is for after work,” the boy proclaims as he proudly plops the shoes in Santa’s open hands. Santa seems as amazed by the gift as I was the first time I saw it. The tagline flashes across the screen, “Give Love. Give Style.” Style indeed. Way to go, Macy’s!

James describes God as the giver of every good and perfect gift. (James 1:17) His most precious and perfect gift to us gives us the reason we celebrate Christmas. Because of Jesus, believers revel in their friendship with the Great Gift Giver. We can boldly approach His throne, knowing He sits ready to beckon us closer. Thankfully, we don’t have to wait for a holiday to receive His gifts. Day after day, God makes His rounds to deliver increasing measures of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. (Galatians 6:22-23) 

Now that I’ve seen the Macy’s commercial, I ask myself, “What will I give God this year?” He is the great gift-giver. He doesn’t need a thing. 

On my morning walk yesterday, I asked God what He wanted most. It took a while to shield my eyes and ears from the distractions so I could hear His answer. Finally, the eyes of my heart widened. I believe my heart heard the same thing God’s always been saying. It wasn’t for me to achieve some monumental goal. It wasn’t that I should give away everything I have and live in poverty. No, I heard, “I only want your heart.” 

“My heart? I thought You already had that. Surely, there’s something more.”

The Spirit gently whispered, “Your WHOLE heart.” 

“Ah! My WHOLE heart.”

That stings a bit because I know many things lurk in my heart that don’t need to be there. Maybe you know that feeling all too well. As a result, you’ve lost your childlike faith and feel unworthy to even step into God’s presence. But then again, at some point, you’ve most likely allowed the Spirit to powerwash some negative things out of your heart. If that’s true, you have reason to celebrate! You’ve made more room for the gifts He’s been thrilled to deliver. Now, your faith is stronger than it was. Your hope is steady. You have a greater desire to be wholly filled with His love – the greatest of all His gifts. All He asks of us is to partner with the Spirit to clear more space so His gifts can grow. Only a good and loving God would require a gift that makes room for us to receive more from Him. 

God, “I just want you to know. I think you’re the best ever. Want my heart? It’s OK. You can have it. Really, you can have it.”

“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind’; and, ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.”

(Luke 10:27 NIV)

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