Mere visions of Christmas blogs danced in my head, when what to my wandering eyes should appear, but one perfectly written with love and good cheer. So, dash away! Dash away! Dash away all to delight in this stocking filler crafted by the heart of Charlene Miller.
Merry Christmas to all from Perfection Road and to all a perfect place!
A PLACE FOR ME – Charlene Miller
Christmas is finally here. It’s a busy time for most folks, but what joy!
I love all things Christmas. It brings me immense joy to consider which gift a loved one might fancy, decorate my home in festive colors, string beautiful lights, and bake those special cookies or pies that family and friends enjoy. I prepare a place at the table for loved ones and cozy rooms where they can rest. Shopping lists include all their favorites; the pantry always overflows with special treats. I want everyone to know they are welcome, loved, and important to me.
On the first Sunday in December, during worship service, we sang a familiar favorite song, ‘Who You Say I Am,’ by Hillsong Worship. This song holds a special place in my heart, reminding me of His great love and my identity in Christ. The lyrics include the beautiful refrain:
In my Father’s house
There’s a place for me
I’m a child of God; yes, I am
As the words hung heavy in the air around me, I felt utterly overwhelmed by the love of God. I quickly jotted a note on the back of my church bulletin: “A Place for Me -blog?†I pondered the theme over the next several weeks and prayed for direction.
Answered Prayer
God answers prayers in the most unexpected ways! The song’s words played over in my mind as I constantly noticed things that brought the refrain and scripture in John 14 to my mind. On December 20, one of my favorite devotions, Our Daily Verse, featured John 14:3 and echoed the very thoughts of my heart. An excerpt of their reflection reads:
“Have you ever watched someone prepare for a loved one’s arrival? The way they flutter about, arranging every detail, wanting everything to be just right. Every small touch feels like a whispered “I love you.â€
And so it must be with our Lord preparing our heavenly home, only on an infinitely larger scale. It’s yet another demonstration of His great love for humanity.
When I consider the endless number of ways He shows His love for me, I can hardly take it all in. A place in heaven? For me? How can that be?
How about you? Can you fathom the love Jesus has for us? He left heaven to take on the flesh of humanity, suffer, die, and rise again. Jesus now prepares a place, an eternal home, for all who accept His invitation. And yes, one day, He will welcome us home forever.
A Place for Me
Do you have a habit of sitting at a particular place at the dinner table? It’s not like assigned seats; it is more like taking your place. Eight family members gathered around our table in my childhood home, and each person took “their seat.†No one considered taking another’s chair. It’s funny; over sixty years later, my siblings and I still gravitate to the same places around my parent’s table.
“In My Father’s house are many dwelling places; if not, I would have told you. I am going away to prepare a place for you. If I go away and prepare a place for you, I will come back and receive you to Myself, so that where I am you may be also.†John 14:2-3
Jesus. He is the baby in a manger, the sacrifice on the cross, and the risen Lord. He is the Savior, Almighty God, Holy One, and Creator of all. And HE is preparing a place for us. A place that will be our forever favorite as we finally live in perfect peace and fellowship with God.
There’s More
But wait! The best is yet to come. Reread verse 3:
“If I go away and prepare a place for you, I will come back and receive you to Myself, so that where I am you may be also.†John 14:3
Bethlehem had no room for Jesus, but He made room for those willing to accept Him. He will return to take us home to the lovely place He adorned and made ready –just for us.
As you celebrate the birth of our Savior, I pray the Lord will fill your heart with the truth of His great love. May you realize that Jesus loves you like no one else can.
Revel in the warmth of His presence. Recognize the sacrifice He willingly made for us. Rejoice as you anticipate taking your place at the table.
(Read more from Charlene and friends at www.leanintojesus.com.)