As Ron and I made our way back to our car Sunday morning, I remarked, “Isn’t it funny that Pastor Dino would preach about friendship this week?†He gave that sly little grin of his and responded with, “I think he’s been reading your blog.â€
I seriously doubt that, but the Spirit has most definitely been reading my thoughts. If you read last week’s post you know how often friendship-colored threads have woven themselves into my life’s tapestry over the last few weeks. I needed a simple change of perspective, and I got one! As a result, good things have happened. Things I could not have orchestrated.
The title of Pastor Dino Rizzo’s message was “It’s Time to Get to the Roofâ€. He masterfully used the story of Jesus healing the paralyzed man in Mark 2. You may remember that four of the man’s friends brought him to Jesus to be healed. However, the large crowd listening to Jesus hindered them from getting close. So, they carried him to the rooftop and faithfully dug through thatch and the mud so they could lower the man into the presence of Jesus.
Yes, it took faith for them to be so persistent. But, it also took love, strength, muscle, and sweat. They had to get their hands dirty. That’s what good friends do. They do whatever it takes to help someone find relief from their circumstances. They stay. They stick close. They cry with you in the sad times, but they sing and dance in the good times too!
Dino closed his message with some practical friendship advice that confirmed all that I’ve been learning and praying about. I want to be a CARRIER whose love is unhindered. If you’re not already one, I bet you want that too. Let’s be the friend we want to have. I hope you’ll take 8 minutes to soak in this wise counsel from Dino Rizzo. Happy Tuesday!