It’s been eight weeks, and Perfection Road finally has a fresh online presence. More importantly, it’s been resurfaced with a new attitude! The mission here is to encourage you to fill the potholes of your past, as well as your present, with the love of God, the grace of Jesus, and the friendship of the Holy Spirit.
Acquiring a new attitude rarely happens overnight. It takes a bit of disking and raking to uncover the rocks and stumps of unhealthy emotions, poor choices, and sad circumstances. For us stubborn types, it cannot be done quickly, no matter how massive the equipment. The Holy Spirit takes His time in softening the soil of our souls. Moist, pliable souls are necessary to initiate a productive process. Then, God ever so slowly uses His hands to lovingly unearth all of our painful and unholy roots. Finally, if we don’t lose heart, Jesus steps in to pick up the pile and cast them into the fire. Only then can seeds of hope be planted.
Some of you happily completed that process so long ago that you’ve forgotten how it feels to be uncertain of God’s love, unsure of grace’s ability to cover your sins, and doubtful that you could ever be friends with the Spirit. You might be even be tempted to think, “Oh, I’ve got this.” Please know I once thought that too. Over the next few weeks, let me remind you of those doubts just long enough to deepen your compassion for those trudging through the process. They need people like you to go after them and stand beside them as proof of life.
Others of you, however, sit drenched in the conviction of the Spirit. You know change needs to come, but you have no idea where to begin. If that’s you, I understand. Exchanging old habits for new ones and transforming the way we think isn’t for the faint of heart. All you know for sure is that you want more than what you have. To get that, significant changes must be made. My process contained a wheelbarrow full of trial and error. I made lots of mistakes along the way and hurt some people in the process. But God continued to lead me to the best places to find health and healing.
It’s taken a great deal of time in prayer to reflect on and dissect my path well enough to find an order to the process. Hopefully, the words I found will help others take a few steps toward change. Your process won’t (and shouldn’t) look exactly like mine, but I am firmly convinced that in order for you to set your feet on the path of transformation, you must absolutely, without a doubt, 100% of the time KNOW and BELIEVE that God loves you. You must experience and appreciate the grace of Jesus to fully realize your immense worth to God. A love like that keeps your life revolving around Him rather than yourself. Knowing God’s love and experiencing grace allows you to enjoy the fellowship of the Holy Spirit! With these three things swirling in your heart, a new attitude is guaranteed to flourish!
I pray you’ll join me on this challenging, but somewhat unusual journey. I promise to make it as encouraging as possible. We’ll be taking a closer look at love, grace, and fellowship over the next few weeks – something our entire world could use more of right now. I’d be honored for you to share this post with your friends and invite them to travel along with us. Since I thrive on learning new things, I’d love for you to share insights from your own journey by commenting on the posts or sending me an email to [email protected].
Please take a few minutes to look around the new site. Take note that you won’t find an archives section pointing to older blog posts. Why? Because the old is gone and the new has come! Hallelujah and amen!
“May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all.”
2 Corinthians 13:14