If I Had To Do It All Over Again …

If I had it to do all over again … I’ve heard that sentiment more times than Elvis sang “Blue Suede Shoes.” 

The rearview mirror gives us a perspective we can’t see in the moment. An unpleasant circumstance, a heated exchange, or a crisis fills us with searing pain, deep regret, or debilitating helplessness. We can only react to those things with the tools we have available at that time. Some of us are inherently better equipped for specific situations. Yet, most of us acquire skills later in life that we wish we had when we were younger. With new learning comes the realization of how poorly we might have handled past circumstances. We wish we could do it all over again.

But what would you give up if you could go back and change things?

The struggles you went through as a child strengthened you so that you could strengthen others. Friendships only meant for a season prepared you to value the ones sent for a lifetime. Your grief over the loss of your loved one filled you with compassion. Recognizing your sins allowed you to forgive as you have been forgiven. Your mistakes, blunders, failures, and embarrassing moments proved that you are human and need the power of the Holy Spirit and the grace of Jesus!

I love the way the Passion Translation expresses James 1:2-4. “My fellow believers, when it seems as though you are facing nothing but difficulties, see it as an invaluable opportunity to experience the greatest joy that you can! For you know that when your faith is tested it stirs up in you the power of endurance. And then as your endurance grows even stronger, it will release perfection into every part of your being until there is nothing missing and nothing lacking.” (James 1:2-4 TPT) To put it simply, maturing is a life-long process!

Looking back gives us a different perspective and a chance to see how much we’ve grown. We don’t make excuses for our mistakes. We never have a flippant attitude toward our sins. We always apologize and ask for forgiveness when it’s needed. Yet, at the same time, we understand that God can use everything for our good and for the benefit of others.

“But that’s not all! Even in times of trouble we have a joyful confidence, knowing that our pressures will develop in us patient endurance. And patient endurance will refine our character, and proven character leads us back to hope. And this hope is not a disappointing fantasy,  because we can now experience the endless love of God cascading into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who lives in us!” (Romans 5:3-5 TPT) 

I turned 66 yesterday. You’d think by now I’d have it all together, right? Wrong! None of us will be perfected until we see Jesus. In the meantime, I’m resting, knowing that God loves me and you enough to use ALL our “stuff” to bring Him honor and glory. 

“And then, after your brief suffering, the God of all loving grace, who has called you to share in his eternal glory in Christ, will personally and powerfully restore you and make you stronger than ever. Yes, he will set you firmly in place and build you up. And he has all the power needed to do this —forever!” (1 Peter 5:10-11 TPT)

Finally, I have decided that if I had to do it all over again …

I wouldn’t change a thing! 

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Donna Jackson

Slow Somedays

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