Headaches and Bellyaches

Years ago, I sat in the office of a holistic doctor. He laid out a plan that was not a quick fix. He offered no medication to alleviate my symptoms lickety-split. He promised that if I followed his plan, I would feel worse before I began to feel better. There would be headaches and bellyaches, but eventually, I would feel better and have more energy than I ever had.

Deep down, I knew he spoke the truth. And … deep down, I felt lousy enough to look him in the eye and say, “If you tell me to go home and stand on my left ear, I will do it.” He smiled and laid out a drastic change in my diet that consisted of raw nuts and seeds, plain yogurt with a bit of honey, berries, and non-starchy vegetables. I could have wild-caught fish (with fins and scales) three times a week and brown rice once a week. He also reminded me of the benefits of sunshine and long walks.

At first, I had terrible headaches and a few stomach issues, but eventually, my system was rid of the toxins I had stored. As my body began to produce healthier cells, inflammation decreased, and my pain subsided. It was a long process that yielded great benefits!

Why does it take us so long to learn that the long road is usually much better than the shortcut? In the first few chapters of Matthew, Jesus, the Great Physician, laid out a plan He wanted us to adopt, not as a quick fix, but as a lifestyle. The Sermon on the Mount can be challenging, but paying attention to it yields excellent results.

Jesus’ plan in Matthew 5, 6, and 7 is divided into three distinct sections: blessings, wisdom, and choice. In chapter 5, Jesus highlights our need for a Savior and describes the blessings we receive when we share a deeply personal relationship with Him. Next, chapter 6 explains the wisdom we gain when we exchange external laws of conduct for a deeper level of interaction overflowing from a God-filled heart. Finally, chapter 7 offers us a choice between pretending and genuinely transforming.

Jesus’ words are like medicine for the sick soul. As we take them in, we realize how toxic our minds and spirits have become. It hurts to let go of things that have become part of us, and we feel worse before we begin to feel better. But that’s part of the process. We learn to welcome convicting emotional headaches and bellyaches because they signal healthy things to come and take their place.

My doctor sent me home with printed instructions. These instructions taught me the value and wisdom of living a healthy lifestyle. Whenever I had questions or got off track, I could revisit them and remember what was best for me. I returned to his office regularly, and we talked face-to-face. He seemed genuinely happy that I had transformed my health by following his advice.

When Matthew wrote down Jesus’ words, he gave us printed instructions for living our best life. When negative emotions and toxic desires creep in, those words help put our lives back on track. Jesus’ instructions about meeting with Him face-to-face were at the center of Jesus’ sermon. Take a look at them from The Passion Translation with fresh eyes and a fresh spirit:

“When you pray, don’t babble on and on as the Gentiles do. They think their prayers are answered merely by repeating their words again and again. Don’t be like them, for your Father knows exactly what you need even before you ask him! Pray like this:
Our Father in heaven, may your name be kept holy.
May your Kingdom come soon.
May your will be done on earth, as it is in heaven.
Give us today the food we need, and forgive us our sins, as we have forgiven those
who sin against us.
And don’t let us yield to temptation, but rescue us from the evil one.”

(Matthew 6:5-13 TPT)

Prayer takes us into God’s throne room, and staying in the Word allows us to meet regularly with our Great Physician. This daily process is meant for a lifetime, not merely for troubled times. When Jesus becomes our process, He affects every part of who we are. He does the miraculous by wholly and gradually transforming us into new creations. He takes great delight in doing that! Who knows? He might even teach us to stand on our left ear.

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Donna Jackson

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