This week let’s pray for the marriages of those we love and for our own. Pray that Jesus will be the third strand that winds around us tightly and pulls us even closer to Him.
“Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed. If one person falls, the other can reach out and help. But someone who falls alone is in real trouble. Likewise, two people lying close together can keep each other warm. But how can one be warm alone? A person standing alone can be attacked and defeated, but two can stand back-to-back and conquer. Three are even better, for a triple-braided cord is not easily broken.” (Ecclesiastes 4:9-12)
God Made a Marriage
God, knowing His complete plan for bringing mankind into an intimate relationship with Himself, smiled as he looked into the future and said, “I need a leader.”
So, God made a husband.
This amazing new world would need someone hard-working, strong, and not easily discouraged. There would be a need for one who was willing to work in the cold to keep his family warm, sweat when he’d rather take it easy, be courageous in the face of danger, and exhibit toughness when the road gets rocky.
So, God made a husband.
There would be ditches to dig, cars to fix, roads to pave, houses to build, and mortgages to pay. Someone would be needed to plan for the future while getting things done; dream dreams while making them come true one day at a time; strengthen relationships by simply letting his feelings show.
So, God made a husband.
There would be a need for a leader – a man who meets in executive session with his heavenly leader every day; someone who admits his weaknesses, but doesn’t hide behind them; a man who can turn a wrench, then turn to gently kiss his baby girl; a man who places fence posts just so, but is more concerned with setting his son on the right path. There would definitely be a need for a father.
So, God made a husband.
God also knew there would come a need in the heart of a woman for someone on earth to see her as the woman she hoped to be, rather than who she is; someone who might not understand every tear, nod, wink or smile, but is willing to share them all. She would need someone to help her better understand God’s love by loving her without restraint. Her heart would want to skip a beat at the most unexpected times and long for a touch that said more than any words. God knew the heart of a woman …
So, God made a husband.
As the man stood tall and newly created, God understood he would want children who grew to love him and parents who took pride in him. He would need reminders of how much he is admired and appreciated. But mostly, he would need daily acts of love, encouragement, and time to become all the things God intended him to be.
So, God made a wife!