A New Year’s Blanket

If snow blanketed our world every day in a glistening shimmer we might take its magnificence for granted. We would soon dismiss the wonder of icy branches and deep footprints. We might forgo the taste of flakes on our tongues and frost on our eyelashes. If snow blanketed our world every day, we just might miss the wonder of it all.

What if peace blanketed our world every day? Would we take for granted the magnificence of a shimmering soul? Would our own heaviness cast off its calm and interrupt sweet sleep? Would we eventually let peace’s warmth slide to the floor? If you are like me, you’d like to snuggle underneath a blanket of warm and cozy peace right about now. 

I’m finally realizing that those of us who have made peace with God are blanketed in peace every day. Yet, perhaps, we’ve taken it for granted. Jesus sweetly continues to remind us, “I leave the gift of peace with you—my peace. Not the kind of fragile peace given by the world, but my perfect peace. Don’t yield to fear or be troubled in your hearts—instead, be courageous!” (John 14:27, TPT) Peace is a gift from Jesus Himself. In order to benefit from a gift, it must first be accepted and then opened. Is your heart a tad troubled? Have you opened your gift yet?

The early church had the same gift, but they were tempted to leave it sitting in the corner. It takes great courage to do what Peter told the early church to do. “Whoever wants to embrace true life and find beauty in each day must stop speaking evil, hurtful words and never deceive in what they say. Always turn from what is wrong and cultivate what is good; eagerly pursue peace in every relationship, making it your prize.” (1 Peter 3:1-11, TPT) Pursue peace in EVERY relationship? Yes, every relationship. EAGERLY? Yes, eagerly.

I waited much too long to properly pursue peace. But now that I’ve tossed the wrapping paper in the air and lifted the lid on my box, I’m ready to dive into peace headfirst. Since it is such a courageous pursuit, my word for the year is PEACE! I want to be completely wrapped up in it, wear it like a blanket, and let others feel its warmth. 

If you don’t need any extra peace melting the ice on your road, then Perfection Road might not be the path you need this year. However! If you’d like a year that focuses on making peace with God, yourself, and with others, then I hope you’ll join me on this journey. Why not invite others to come along?

In case you haven’t guessed, my part of the world was blanketed in snow yesterday. What a great object lesson from God. He did to the earth what He does for me every day – He covered all the imperfections with a blanket of pure white forgiveness. That gives PEACE a great place to start! Until next week …

PEACE, my friend.

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a snowy mountain with text saying New Years Blanket

Donna Jackson

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